What to ask a Photographer

As a photographer I would find the following questions to be important.
1. Are you available for the date?
2. What experience have you had?
3. Look at examples of complete weddings, albums etc.
4. make sure the person you speak to is the person who will be your photographer.
5.Check for limitations on you package. i.e. only two prints per page etc, number of locations they will go to, how many images will they take on the day.
6. How long after the wedding are the proofs ready?
7. What process do we go through to plan our album?

The idea of getting a "disc of OUR images" is somoething that drives true professionals crazy. Just as the records you doctor keeps are his "tools of trade" and do not belong to you, the extra images that do not go in your album are in fact not yours, but the photographers "tools of trade" and the insurance you get that there will be lots of images to select from to complete your album. Whn you have a house built, you do not automatically get the left over bricks, tiles, timber etc, they belong to the builder.

Most of all, we make our living by SELLING our photographs, not by giving away a disc and losing any sort of contraol on the type and quality they will then be output.

In my mind, there are far more important questions to ask rather than "do we get a disc?" And most of all remember, you get what you pay for. If it seems unbelievebly cheap....it probably is too good to be true.

As Past President of the PPAQ (Professional Photographers Association of QLD) I got to handle lots of complaints about cheap studios, shoddy quailty images provided on disc etc.

Invest in a quality studio who will guide you through the day, and also have the responsobility of producing a quality album at the end of the day that will knock your socks off.

Why a Blog?

This blog has been created to enable comments, queries, questions from clients, potential clients, photographers, and anyone with an interest in photography.

An image from our latest weddings will be posted on here.
Also news of exciting new products etc will be posted.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, we will also post the 10 major things to look out for when interviewing a prospective photographer.


Creative Photographics, based in Brisbane, Queensland is one of Australia’s leading photographic studios, owned and operated by Award Winning Photographer, Ian Wharton.

Ian specialises in wedding and portrait photography combining his unobtrusive style, easy going personality and creative imagination to create a distinctive style that will thrill and overjoy you..Ian prides himself in creating a unique experience for each of our clients beginning with a uniquely designed photo session through to creating a totally Australian made custom made album all with friendly one on one service. Ian not only photographs your wedding, but does all the design work and retouching etc personally..

Located in Brisbane Australia, our studio can also cater for clients living interstate and overseas using the latest digital systems, enabling your images, album designs etc to be accessible on the internet for family and friends to view and order.

Ian is an Accredited Member of the AIPP and a CPP member of the PPAQ.